YACARES Related Research
- Cancer content and social media platform influence young adult cancer caregivers' social support on social media (2021). Journal of psychosocial oncology, 40(6), 808–815.
- Social support enactments on social media during the first 6 months of young adult cancer caregiving (2022). Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice, 16(1), 61–72
- Qualitative inquiry of cancer caregiving during young adulthood: responsibilities, challenges, teamwork, and social support.(2021) Journal of psychosocial oncology research and practice, 3(4), e062.
- Young adult cancer caregivers' use of social media for social support (2020). Psycho-oncology, 29(7), 1185–1192.
- Acquisition of Social Support and Linguistic Characteristics of Social Media Posts About Young Adult Cancer (2018). Journal of adolescent and young adult oncology, 7(2), 196–203.
- Employment of Young Adult Cancer Caregivers, Other Disease Caregivers, and Non-Caregiving Adults (2021). International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(14), 7452.
- Young adult cancer caregivers' exposure to cancer misinformation on social media (2021). Cancer, 127(8), 1318–1324.
- Comparing adult-child and spousal caregiver burden and potential contributors (2022). Cancer, 128(10), 2015–2024.
- "How can I be a caregiver for a second time?" A call to action to acknowledge and support experienced family caregivers (2024). Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 72(3), 971–975.
- The others: Siblings are caregivers, too (2023). Palliative & supportive care, 21(4), 567–569.
- "Been there, done that:" A grounded theory of future caregiver preparedness in former caregivers of parents living with dementia (2023). Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 71(5), 1495–1504.
- Parents Caring for Children Diagnosed with a Blood Cancer from Infancy to Emerging Adulthood: A Life span Perspective (2022). Journal of adolescent and young adult oncology, 11(1), 61–67.
- Understanding parents uncertainty sources and management strategies while caring for a child diagnosed with a hematologic cancer (2023). PEC innovation, 3, 100198.
- A Mixed-Method Examination of Emerging and Young Adult Cancer Caregivers' Experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic (2023). International journal of environmental research and public health, 20(8), 5537.em #1
- "A little bit different now": Impacts of caregiving for parent with cancer on psychosocial development in emerging and young adulthood (2024). Death studies, 1–12. Advance online publication
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